Living Skies 2014 Geocache Adoption

Living Skies 2014 statbar as of December 21, 2014

Living Skies 2014 statbar as of December 21, 2014

Interested in contributing to the effort to keep the legacy of Living Skies 2014 alive? Need a last minute Christmas gift? With the monumental geocache hiding efforts leading up to the MEGA event, maintenance of these caches continues to be an ongoing effort for the organizing committee.  In this light, we invite interested geocachers in the area to take over the responsibility of maintaining these caches by adopting either one or a number of these caches to ensure a positive experience for future finders.

We have created an online google spreadheet of the entire list of caches currently under the Living Skies 2014 account. Place your geocaching handle in the Any caches you are interested in adopting in the “Adopt Request by” column. We will regularly monitor the changes in the request column, and send out adoption requests as we see them. Others can see when adoption requests have been completed by us in the “Adopt Complete” column.

Also provided is an interactive map of only the applicable caches so you can determine if you wish to adopt a number of caches in the same area.

The only caveat is that we would like to invite sponsors of caches in the “Legacy of Living Skies” series to have the opportunity to adopt their own caches. These caches have been highlighted in yellow. Others may still apply to adopt these caches, so please put your name down on these if you wish, but we may not immediately send the adopt request unless we hear from the sponsor otherwise. These will be immediately adopted to the named sponsor if they apply.

Lastly, if you have any questions, if you have any questions about the adoption process, please contact us through one of the following methods: Commenting on this page, the website Contact Form, Facebook page, or our profile.

As of December 21, 2014, the Living Skies 2014 caches have received over 40,509 ‘Found It’ logs, and 529 favourite points.

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